Addressing a Hidden Need: Incontinence Supplies for Seniors

Over the past eight years, Meals on Wheels Montgomery County has quietly tackled a significant  yet often overlooked need for our seniors. What started as a small initiative to help a handful of  clients has grown into an essential program that supports many seniors in our community: our  Incontinence Supply Program.   For seniors living on […]

Serving Those Who Served: Grammy’s Cookie Convoy and Meals on Wheels Montgomery County

By: Heather Robertson At MOWMC, we’re inspired by organizations that share our passion for serving our  community, especially our veterans. Recently, we had the honor of hosting Marlene  Summers, the founder of Grammy’s Cookie Convoy, as a guest speaker at our employee  meeting. Her story and mission left us all in awe and reinforced our […]

Gift Matched by the Anderson Charitable Foundation

Meals on Wheels Montgomery County - Giving Tuesday Now matched by the Anderson Foundation

With so many unknowns lingering around COVID-19, our aging neighbors are remaining homebound with limited resources. For this vulnerable population, the fear of going out and being exposed continues. We have the system in place to deliver supplies to them. It’s your amazing support that continues to provide the food. In fact, this community has […]

The Big Move

Meals on Wheels Montgomery County Kitchen Moves to Conroe

For more than 4 decades, MOW has been serving Montgomery County from various locations…most recently the Conroe and South County Community Centers. We are so grateful for their support because it allowed us to focus on serving even more seniors. As our service capacity increased – nearly doubling in the last 5 years – we […]

Virtual BINGO!

Quarantine BINGO! by Meals on Wheels Montgomery County

Social isolation is HARD. For the first time, we’re experiencing how lonely and disconnected it feels to be unable to leave the house. This was the reality for many of our aging neighbors even before COVID-19 … and will continue to be after this pandemic is over. By hand-delivering meals (now with COVID-19 precautions), Meals […]

COVID-19 Updates

Meals on Wheels Montgomery County_COVID-19 Updates

The past few weeks have brought a lot of uncertainty for all of us. But one thing we do know for certain is we will continue to do everything we can to help local, homebound seniors. Seniors are reportedly the most at-risk population when it comes to COVID-19. That’s why extra precautions are being taken […]

The Kitchen Diary – Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Meals on Wheels Montgomery County - The Kitchen Diary - Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Roasted Brussels Sprouts Raise your hand if you love Brussels sprouts! Me, me me! Interestingly, I didn’t eat my first Brussels sprout until I was in my 20’s because my mom didn’t care for them so therefore they never ended up on our supper table. I just assumed they were terrible and slimy (my mom’s […]

New Home Coming Soon!

Meals on Wheels Montgomery County - Moving into a New Location

Creating Room to Grow For 45 years, we’ve been serving Montgomery County from various locations. Many of you are probably familiar with our offices in a City of Conroe building and our kitchen in the community center on Lake Robbins Rd. in The Woodlands.  Community Snapshot When our organization was founded, 75,000 people lived in […]

The Kitchen Diary – Fresh Herb Vinaigrette

Meals on Wheels Montgomery County - The Kitchen Diary - Fresh Herb Vinaigrette

Fresh Herb Vinaigrette I don’t know about you, but spring time always makes me think of abundant, colorful salads! Our garden is starting to bloom and the tender leaves make the most amazing base for a variety of salads. While I love the goodies in the salad, the critical piece is always the dressing. It […]

The Kitchen Diary – Collard Greens

Meals on Wheels Montgomery County_Kitchen Diary_Collard Greens

Collard Greens Growing up, I was a very picky eater. Certain foods would not cross my lips no matter how long I was forced to sit at the supper table. Peas, mushrooms, asparagus, zucchini, artichokes, onions, radishes, cauliflower, broccoli, beets, okra, cucumbers, any lettuce with the exception of iceberg…you get the idea. And that was […]