Harvey Recovery- A letter From Summer Day

Harvey Recovery- A letter From Summer Day

Hello friends ~
For those who I have not had the pleasure of meeting (yet!), I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Summer Day, and I am honored to be new the Executive Director of Meals on Wheels Montgomery County. I have been a part of this amazing organization for the past year, serving as the Operations Manager. It has been a pleasure to meet so many of our volunteers as well as our precious clients. My heart has always been in serving those in need and giving a voice to those who are often not heard, of which our senior population is one of the purest forms.
The past week and half has shown the devastation Mother Nature can unleash as well as the mighty power of the community spirit to join together in rebuilding our county. Many people have reached out asking how to help, where to volunteer, and what needs do we have to meet? Through countless staff, volunteer and board hours, we are thankful to report the majority of our clients were spared home damage, but many have been adversely affected. So now, more than ever, your continued support is vital.
My ask to you as Meals on Wheels advocates is to remember the ongoing needs of our aging community in the coming months. In times of crisis, those without an emergency are often forgotten. The reality is our seniors have an immediate ask every day…to be fed. My hope as we work together to rebuild the fibers of our community, we continue to meet the basic needs of our most fragile population.
Meals on Wheels Montgomery County is an extension of you, your support, and the community in which we live. We could never do this without you. On behalf of the 550 homebound seniors we serve each weekday, thank you.
– Summer Day, Executive Director

Together, we can ensure no senior in Montgomery County goes hungry or feels forgotten. Through our meal delivery and transportation services, we provide so much More Than a Meal– we enhance the quality of life for seniors by providing nutritious meals, companionship, and access to ADA compliant transportation. Click below to donate today or learn more about our volunteer opportunities.